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Farm & Ranch - Pet Wild Bird - Dry Goods - Outdoor Gear
Hen Scratch
Hen Scratch is a blend of recleaned, processed grains. It is recommended for use with 20% Lay Feed.
Hen Scratch should be fed in conjunction with 20% Lay Feed. The amount of scratch grain should be varied according to the breed and level of production. Bodyweight of laying birds should always be watched and sufficient Hen Scratch added to prevent loss of bodyweight when production runs high. The following table will meet requirements of the average leghorn laying flock:
Winter months……………….10 lbs/100 birds/day
Spring months………………..8 lbs/100 birds/day
Summer months………...…...6 lbs/100 birds/day
Fall months……………….…..8 lbs/100 birds/day
Feed free choice as a source of grains to chickens. This feed is not a complete feed and additional supplementation is required. Provide grit or oyster shell and an adequate supply of water at all times.